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  • Writer's pictureLeo Wang

Be yourself

Original Chinese version was published on 2014-10-10 at HERE

This morning, I had a sudden realization that our sole mission in life is to “contribute individually to the collective evolution of humanity,” nothing more.

This insight struck me as I combined and practiced the essential teachings of Buddhism, quantum mechanics, life sciences, and cosmology. Like cells contributing to the evolution of an organism, each of us is a cell within the vast organism of humanity, fulfilling a sacred mission. Our perceived free will and conscious thought, which guide our daily actions, seem to play into a predestined role that we are bound to fulfill, much like cells without consciousness perform their functions unerringly.

It appears that our individual traits and missions are imprinted in our cells from birth. These innate talents and predispositions guide us through life, contributing to humanity’s collective blueprint, similar to how DNA dictates the blueprint of an individual’s life.

Despite the complexity and mysteries of life that surpass all other cosmic phenomena, and the relentless search for understanding by the brightest minds, we still face many unanswered questions. We ponder the nature of reality, the existence of parallel universes, and our relationship with extraterrestrial life, among others. But as it stands, many of these questions remain speculative.

Instead of getting lost in these questions, I believe we should focus on the understanding that each person’s genetic code carries not only their life’s blueprint but also that of the collective human superorganism. Each individual’s innate intelligence guides us through daily life and metabolic processes, and even without the guidance of a conscious mind, as seen in children with developmental challenges, life persists in growth and activities.

In this view, every person has a role and value within humanity, much like each cell has its purpose within the body. By embracing and utilizing our innate talents, we fulfill our mission and contribute meaningfully to humanity’s evolution.

When we have fulfilled our mission, we leave behind our physical vessel and move on to the next phase of existence, whatever that may be. Those who live a confused or unfulfilled life should seek to rediscover their true selves and embrace their unique talents, for existence itself is justification for being, and living authentically is the highest form of respect for life.

An example of this is homosexuality, which seems contrary to evolutionary principles of reproduction. Yet, the persistence of homosexual genes through the course of human evolution suggests that there must be a reason for their existence. In the grand scheme of nature and human evolution: to exist is to be valid.

All this reflection was spurred by an article I read this morning, leading me to write down these thoughts and share my epiphany that living in alignment with our talents and contributing to humanity’s progress is our ultimate mission:

God cannot help but love me The only trick to survival is knowing that God loves me for who I am, not for what I should be. His love is unconditional, unbounded, and unwavering, not based on whether I’m worthy or faithful. He loves me in the morning sun and evening rain, without reservations, regrets, or boundaries. No matter what I do, He cannot help but love me. When I consciously engage with Christ’s true love – wild, passionate, relentless, stubborn, pursuing, and gentle – it’s not about changing because I should, but because I am so deeply loved that I desire to change. My friend, a 55-year-old nun with a Ph.D. in theology named Mary, has a motto on her wall: “Today, I won’t force myself to do good.” My realization of God’s amazing love frees me from pretending to be what I should be or what others expect. I can be myself – a person full of contradictions: believing yet doubting, trusting yet despondent, loving yet hating. I’m an angel with an endless craving for beer. God loves the real me, and I don’t need to pretend to be someone else. For 20 years, I wanted to be Brother Teresa or Saint Francis. I’d rather emulate a great saint than be an original version of myself. A Georgia preacher said, “Be yourself; anything else is a poor imitation.” The biggest mistake is to tell God, “You’ll love me if I change, right?” God’s answer is always, “Slow down, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s not that you change so that I can love you. I love you, and that’s why you will change.” I just need to expose myself to His encompassing love, with a strong, unshakable faith that He loves me as I am and will transform me into what He wants me to be.
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