2013-11-09 12:40

Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels.com
Every successful entrepreneur has mastered the seemingly simple but actually complex ability of “thinking.” It seems that everyone can “think,” but for most people, they are “thinking” without “deliberation.”
The Chinese character “思” (thinking) consists of the radicals for “field” and “heart,” implying worries about food and livelihood. “考” (deliberation) involves a deeper process, like rigorous examination or the formation of a complete plan after careful investigation.
Many people claim that entrepreneurship relies on execution, suggesting that with a hardworking and persistent team, success is inevitable. However, without genuine “thinking,” hard work alone can be blind and inefficient, akin to buying a lottery ticket.
On Baidu, “thinking” is described as the mental process of working with information, which should be results-oriented. Without aiming for results, it’s merely worry without a solution or action, unhelpful for solving “livelihood” problems. Moreover, thinking requires processing comprehensive and accurate information to yield useful solutions.
Entrepreneurs, compared to industry giants, lack money, personnel, brand recognition, resources, influence, and policy support. Yet the ability to “think” is equal for all and often neglected by the well-off, as they tend to throw money at problems instead of thinking creatively.
The message here is to encourage entrepreneurs to value their capacity to “think” as their real wealth, as effective thinking can find answers to all problems. Skills, funds, products, operations, marketing, and profits are not issues with the right mindset.
As the saying goes, “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.” I’ve seen many grassroots entrepreneurs break through by leveraging their ability to “think,” leading to achievements guided by effective thinking.
Archimedes said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
The ability to “think” is that fulcrum, available to everyone, yet most choose not to use it, busy blaming others instead.
Finally, I’d like to share a motivational story that reflects your choice to believe or doubt, representing your attitude:
A successful businessman named Jack told his son he wanted to find him a wife. The son preferred to choose his own, but agreed when he heard it was Bill Gates’s daughter. Jack told Gates he’d found a husband for his daughter. Gates initially refused but changed his mind when Jack mentioned the young man was the Vice President of the World Bank. Then, Jack proposed this VP position to the World Bank President, who accepted after learning the candidate would be Gates’s son-in-law. In the end, Jack’s son married Gates’s daughter and became the World Bank’s Vice President.
This story illustrates the power of strategic thinking and influence.